Through their Engagement & Creative Learning programme, they work with people of all ages and all abilities, including individuals with a variety of disabilities and complex conditions, to provide experiences which will engage, inspire and empower individuals for life.
The nationally recognised theatre successfully achieves all of the above with less than 1% of annual turnover publicly funded. With new expansion planned and funding secured, the vision of the trustees and staff is to become one of the few financially independent theatres in the UK.

The Here2Help programme supported the team in reviewing and improving their sponsorship and fundraising programme, to support future developments in the theatre. We also used the consultancy to mentor two of our front of house team who we would like to support to develop in their careers. Both found the coaching sessions useful and productive.
“The Here2Help programme has been invaluable, and I am particularly grateful to Nicky for her support. The seven hours of consultancy offered a rare opportunity to take a step back and analyse current working methods and results. Our discussions were frank and covered a wide range of issues. Every session generated lots of innovative ideas and ways of moving forwards. I miss Nicky’s insight tremendously!
Nicky has helped me to initiate many new ventures at Malvern Theatres, supporting me to implement a Staff Development Team, an Advisory Development Board, and a review of our corporate sponsorship packages."
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