Destination Management Plan
Growing our billion pound visitor economy
This new destination management strategy is a celebration of our 'billion-pound' visitor economy.
The purpose of this plan is to provide a framework for growth for everyone who delivers on the visitor experience across Worcestershire. Establishing clear priorities to develop, manage and market the county's visitor economy for the next five years.
This is the first Plan to be published by Visit Worcestershire since its transition into Worcestershire County Council in April 2020. The strategy is built on thorough market trends and analysis, a review of existing tourism strengths and consultation with stakeholders.
A total of 59 people from 39 organisations were a part of the consultation process across four workshops. These individuals included members from our Local Visitor Economy Advisory Group, District Council representatives and the Worcestershire business community.
The Plan is built around three interrelated delivery pillars - development, marketing and management. Sustainability and accessibility are both integral parts of each delivery pillar.
This plan represents the county’s vibrancy and ambition, thanks to the contributions of members across the tourism sector. We are excited to work alongside our partners and the visitor economy businesses to take this plan forward to implementation.
Click the button below to view the Destination Management Plan.

Local Visitor Economy Advisory Group
To align with the Destination Management Plan, a new private sector led Local Visitor Economy Advisory Group has been formed to have oversight and to review the progress of the strategy over the next five years.
The group is formed up of knowledgeable tourism professionals representing multiple sectors which form the county’s visitor economy.
Mark Bevan, Gemini Hospitality
Beverley Haywood, Astley Vineyard
Board Members
Oliver Arundal - Attwell Farm Park
Mark Miles - Canal and River Trust
Nick Davies - The Cottage in the Woods
District Council Representative
Mick Hurst - Battle of Evesham Suite of Events
Kathryn Clarke - Lygon Arms Hotel
Grace Stringer - Piston Gin
Lewis Maddox - Severn Valley Railway
Vikki Green - West Midlands Safari Park
Ruth Smith - Worcester Tourist Information
Gary Woodman - Worcestershire County Council
Sarah-Jane Morgan - Worcester Theatres