Broadway Museum & Art Gallery, opened in 2013 and is housed in a beautiful 17th Century former coaching inn. The museum and art gallery is located centrally within the village of Broadway and offers our visitors the opportunity to discover the story of Broadway, explore the collection and exhibitions and be transported back in time.
There are a regular program of talks, events, masterclasses and changing exhibitions and are supported by a small team of trustees, staff and wonderful volunteers.
More than a museum, which collaborates with the community. The museum is a space to be warm, to socialise, to discuss, debate and to work collectively. Inspiring young minds to think and act creatively!

The Here2Help programme has supported the Museum Director with business planning and prioritisation as Broadway Museum & Art Gallery start to implement its museum strategy.
“The support Jane provided far outweighed any expectations I had, often sparking thoughts that improved other areas of the business process and my own capacity, management and effectiveness.
Ideas would come to me post-session that would facilitate or simplify a process in another area of the business. Thinking collectively and across the organisation is enabling me to see above the ‘trees’!”
The Results
Each session explored an area that I was keen to understand, improve, develop and every session was hugely more impactful on my day-to-day operation than I had anticipated it could be. Jane helped me to understand my own fears and perceived limitations and turn them into positive behavioural drivers, elevating my confidence and promoting the change needed within the organisation.
Anona van Lawick, Broadway Museum
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