• Diglis Fish Pass

Business Insights

Opening Up Diglis Island and Fish Pass

Find out how our business support programme helped Diglis Island.

The Diglis Island and Fish Pass is an exciting project at the heart of the Worcester City. It was developed as part of the Unlocking the Severn Project, and is now being run by the Canal and River Trust.

On the island itself, public tours let you learn about the rich navigational history of the Severn, step into the Victorian workshop where lock gates were once made, and find out about the plight of a once-renowned fish species.

A 15-minute walk from this secret island in the Severn is the Diglis Fish Pass. This feat of engineering is one of four fish passes, created to allow fish to swim around large weirs on the River Severn. At over 100m long, the Pass has its own underwater viewing gallery, where visitors between March and October have the chance of spotting different species of fish as they swim through the pass.

The Visit Worcestershire consultancy programme has helped us with our business planning – exploring how to maximise and extend our programme of events to welcome more visitors, explore new revenue generation ideas and generally help us to open up this amazing facility to tourists, local families and the local community.

"As a new tourist attraction, it has been great working with Nicky to formalise a clear overview of what we have to offer and how we can add value (for both visitors and us).

A sounding board for taking through ideas; being challenged in a supportive, knowledgeable way. Each session was well planned and Nicky worked through all aspects of what needed to be considered from social media to sales - focused sessions that resulted in clear tasks to develop the attraction."

There is now a clear plan of what we can offer throughout the season, how we can develop various revenue streams and a list of contacts with local businesses. A marketing strategy has also been produced.

For further information on our business support programmes, visit https://visitworcestershire.or...

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