• Ghost Trees

Family / Outdoors / Arts & Culture / History & Heritage

Ghost Tree Trail

Pick up a free trail and find out more about the ghost trees that can be found in the parkland at Hanbury Hall.

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Ghost trees are trees that have been harmed or killed (due to drought, flooding, pollution, pests, and diseases), but their trunks and branches remain upright. The parkland here at Hanbury Hall is home to many ghost trees, which are mostly Sweet Chestnut trees around 200 years old. They died when exposed to a waterborne disease called Phytophthora.

Take a trail on your walk around the parkland and see if you can find all the ghost trees, and learn more about these eerie but beautiful silhouettes in the landscape. A child friendly version of the trail with activities is also available.

From 9th January until 31st March 2025

This event is free, but normal admission charges apply for the venue.



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