• Pershoreabbeycommunity
  • 5198450 62251460
  • Abbey park evesham 2 915px
  • Pershore Abbey Exterior 01a uai 2064x1376 1

Enjoy / History & Heritage / Pershore

Pershore Abbey

A historic Abbey founded by the Benedictine Monks in the 10th century now a Parish Church.

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The Abbey Church of the Holy Cross, Pershore has been a centre for Christian Worship for over 1300 years. The present Abbey celebrated its Millennium in 1972. What remains of this Abbey is the best part: the Monks Quire (which is now the Nave) with its unique ploughshare vaulting, the combined triforium and celerestory and the magnificent tower with its lantern and free standing ringing platform.


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      Whilst you are here...

      Foyer Folk: The Backwater Trio isn't far away

      Inspired by music from the '60s and the folk rock of the '70s

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